DAMAGE INC. is a music pack for game developers. You can edit and combine up to 2 hrs of music, sounds, atmospheres, hits and FX. Whether diving in deep by using layers in a development software such as WWISE or fmod or just using the tracks for cut-scenes or menu-music: welove.audio’s music packs grant you a pro-sound for your game.
(*) Action tracks + submixes
(*) Ambient tracks + submixes
(*) Cinematic tracks
(*) 1 extra dystopian bluesy guitar track (premium only)
(*) Seamless loops of atmos and musicbeds
(*) Hits, swells, stingers and other sfx
(*) Clearly arranged documentation
(*) HiQuality audio standard
(*) High Dynamic Range, smooth compression, perfect for layering
(*) Precise mastering @ -23LUFS EBU R128 standard measuring
(*) Game Engine Ready 44 kHz/ 16 bit *.wav)
For using our music packs commercially, we do provide a license,which is included in the price. It serves for one game up to 5000 sold copies. Another game requires another license. Find details here: http://www.welove.audio/?page_id=3221