EasyNetwork v2.6.11.95
The EasyNetwork .NET framework is a well documented C# package which provides developers the tools they need to create a network between applications.
• Send/Receive Large Packets
• Automatic Player List Update
• Basic MMORPG Template Included
• Basic Chat Template Included
• Beginner friendly
Getting Started
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What is unique about this package?
The simple design allows you to create a simple network within minutes. With this package, the server and client side are fuzed into one, allowing developers to focus solely on game-play. No more having to hassle with the usual networking issues, such as data size caps, connection list updates, and server side setups.
This package is designed for beginners. Following the "Getting Started" manual will help guide you through the process of creating a solid network.
The included demos are to demonstrate the use of the EasyNetwork assembly, they are not finished products.