From cardboard buddies we pretend to give the best VR packages to our customers with simplicity and transparency. This package allows the user to create an advanced “app” for real estates agencies that wish to sell their flats or locals using 360 images and virtual reality. Three different display modes are offered:
1-Virtual reality mode, where customers will need a headset to see the 360 images.
2-Interactive map with auto-rotating images.
3-2D scene with finger interaction.
This asset contains the following:
• Scripts that control the scene transitions from VR to non-VR.
• Scripts that manage the movement between rooms.
• Scripts that manage the map interaction scene.
• Scripts that manage the camera rotation by dragging with your finger.
This package needs googleVR and can be downloaded for free from the following link:
The asset contains the necessary models, textures and prefabs shown in the video.
For further information please contact