This package includes 178 unique 2D texture elements (PNG):
- theme: color clay,
- 33 buttons (size 279x279),
- Animation textures: butterfly, star, mushroom player (idle, walk, death),
- islands, ribbons, backgrounds, grass, trees, flowers,
rockes, rainbow, countdown, mushroom player, jetpack,
-star particle effect,
- clay sphere skybox.
- sounds in ogg format: button sounds, jump and coin sounds, background music,
- music: chibi ninja 8-bit style -> used free of charge from ,
- playable demo Scene: simple platform2D jumper in canvas landscape view.
(for all platforms, tested on Android platform)
- 2 demo scenes: level chooser and main manu in canvas portrait view,
- set of simple scripts used for demo scenes in this package.
See the video of a playable demo Scene here
This package don't require any other package or open-source software to work.
To test and have fun with demo scenes no coding is needed.
This package is ready-to-use asset and it will help you in creating your own awesome games.
Documentation and setup guide in pdf format is included in a main folder of this package.