Physically Based Cloth Shaders is a collection of powerful AAA cloth shaders based on Ashikhmin BRDF.
The shader supports translucency, retroreflectivity and anisotropic highlights.
The packages consists of 2 shaders:
1. Standard Cloth Shader: The input is much like Unity Standard Shader but with another map slot for Retroreflectance and translucency. The shader provides 2 different BRDF models. The standard one and the other, Ashikhmin BRDF.
2. Masked Cloth Shader: This shader can be used to blend between different materials, like cotton, velvet, satin and even metals. It blends between the above two mentions BRDF models based on the Retroreflectance mask.
1. Retroreflective BRDF
2. Can be used to simulate many kind of cloth materials as well as metals and plastics using masks.
3. Anisotropic highlights.
4. Support tiling Detail textures and normal maps.
5. Translucency scattering support.
6. Roughness Extrapolation Control(greatly increases sharpness in the roughness)
7. Control reflection amount and control reflection with the ambient light through probes or lightmaps, thus preventing high reflection in darker areas.
8. Opaque, Transparent and Alpha Cut support.
Use these shaders to achieve the AAA cloth quality in your games.