Initial release:
The Unity Measured Materials Library contains 300 realistic materials supporting the new HDRP Stack Lit shader for superior visual quality. All materials make use of the Shader Graph system and can be copied and edited within Unity to create custom materials. These materials are useful for creating high quality visualizations for products which have surface finishes including paint (including clear coat), leather, fabric, various metals, glass, plastic, and rubber. While the library is especially useful for automotive projects, it is equally applicable to many products.
Note 1: HDRP 4.9.0 or higher is required.
Note 2: Once the library is imported, it would be preferable to load the diffusion profiles by going to Edit/Project Settings. Select Graphics and double click on the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings. In the Diffusion Profile List, select the Diffusion Profile located at Assets\Measured Materials Library\Diffusion Profile. You'll need to reimport the ShaderGraph (steps in Note 3).
Note 3: If the materials are pink or seem to have other issues, you will likely need to reimport the ShaderGraphs. To do so, you will have to go to Assets/Measured Materials Library/HDRP STACKLIT/ in the project browser. Select ShaderGraphs, right click and do a reimport of that folder.