The Retro FPS template for Unity provides all you need to create a retro style first person shooter like in the good old times.Features:+ Create a retro style first person shooter+ Different weapons, e. g. handguns, bombs, shotguns, laser guns, melee+ Different enemies including a boss enemy+ Enemy with distant gun attack+ Dismember body parts by direct shooting or bombs+ Pickup ammo, health and weapons you find on your way or in secret areas+ Electro sound tracks and many sound fx effects+ Footstep sound changer areas+ Display, audio and input settings+ Save and load game states+ Ultra wide screen support (21:9, 32:9)Single-user license:Each user has to purchase his own copy of Retro FPS. The user is allowed to modify and extend each aspect of the asset for the purpose of creating a game project or prototype. See our game project "Return To Red Planet" for reference (external links below).Setup:Soon after you have purchased Retro FPS please read the setup instructions carefully.External links:+ Game project "Return To Red Planet" on News and discussion on Unity forum+ Support from ASSETCREW