Warp space-time itself with shockwaves, pulses, portals and more!
This effects pack comes with shaders and prefabs that produce distortion effects in both world space and screen space.
Effects Included:
- Screen Ripple: An image effect that produces a single distortion wave that can shrink or grow through the editor, scripting, or animation.
- Object Ripple: Similar to Screen Ripple, but using a mesh in world space.
- Continuous Screen Ripple: An image effect that produces multiple waves of distortion over time.
- Continuous Object Ripple: Similar to Continuous Screen Ripple, but using a mesh in world space.
- 2 Portal prefabs
- Energy Orb prefab
- Time burst script and prefab
- Pulse ring script and prefab
- Distortion hit script and prefab
Additional Features:
- All materials and image effects can take a normal map that can be automatically scrolled for additional distortion.
- An additive or subtractive color can also be selected for each effect.
- Image effects can be generated from a point in screen space or world space or it can follow a transform in world space.
- Object effects have an optional billboard function.