This bundle includes all of Entuvu Interactive's Prop packs released in one amazing bundle for perpetuity. Buy this once right now, and you will receive every prop we create.
[This does not include any scripts or other types of models we create. I.E. Character Models, etc. This is only a "prop" bundle.]
In short, we try to release a new prop or prop pack once a month. This bundle will be updated monthly to include those new props.
So, buy this pack now while the price is low and save in the long haul. The price of this bundle is fluid, and will increase as more props are added to the bundle. Keep receiving awesome 3D Props that you can use in your video games on a monthly basis.
You may look at the price tag and wonder why you are paying more than the worth of the current props available, and that's because of that perpetuity thing. You spend a little more now and get more props later as they're released. Or you can buy each of our props separately for a cheaper price tag now, but in a few months those individual purchases add up to more than what we are asking for here.This pack will always be $10 more than the total value of the props we release. But, like I said, you'll get all our new props as they come out for that little bit of investment ahead of time.
Lastly, We have no plans to stop releasing props at this time. And if we do decide to stop one day, we'll plan it ahead of time and still release enough props to make up for that $10 extra spent.
Bundle currently includes:
Cans O' Cola
Office Supplies
Baseball Bat & Ball
Pill Pack