The pack contains 40 vegetation and rock models ready to be used in your levels.40 vegetation and rock prefabs for your levels! 28 trees, 12 rocks, 3 grass textures, 4 Terrain materials.The terrain from the images and the video is included in this pack!LOD stages are also icluded, the last LOD stage is a simple billboard texture. Models attached to the terrain are Double sided (models with DS suffix). Single sided models with less polygons are also included in case you want to use more efficient shaders for double side rendering.The complete scene shown in the video and images is included in this pack and it can be used as a starting point in your games and 3D projects. To ensure a similar light setup as the one shown in the video please download and import the Post Processing stack (Package Manager -> Unity Registry), use the provided Post Processing Files and set your project settings from Gama to Linear. If you need additional help with the setup please contact us. For any asset related questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email: info@dexsoft-games.comBrowse more Dexsoft game assets on Social Media:YouTubeInstagram Twitter FacebookTechnical details:Number of models: 28 trees, 12 rocks3 grass textures are included Textures sizes up to 1024*1024 px Texture formats: TGA and PNG (including height, spec and normalmaps)the terrain is included in the pack