Note: It is assumed that by purchasing this pack that you have intermediate level or higher understanding of the Unity Game Engine and C# programming language to be able to extend/edit this pack to suit your needs if you do not intend to use as-is.
Explosions in the videos and screenshots do NOT come with the pack. They are Asset Store purchased Assets to give proof of concept of the Air Strike Laser Painting System.
The "destroyable" Objects in the videos and screenshots are also NOT provided in this package. They are from the (Destroy It Asset) and used as a proof of concept for the Air Strike Laser Painting System.
• 3 Air Strike Options (Cluster Bomb, Bunker Buster and Orbital Death Ray)
• Cluster Bomb has 1 initial bomb that spawns multiple on that explosion in a radius and cluster size you can manage in the inspector
• Bunker Buster has one initial explosion, then raycasts down to see the distance between the initial explosion and whatever is below, halves that distance and spawns another bomb
• Orbital Death Ray shoots a laser from the heavens and “burns” into the area it hits and spawns an explosion with intense force
• A Game Object Pooler
• Target Painting Scripts both with UI and Stripped.
• Various Free to use sounds
• Ugly explosions (Sorry, we are not artists. We recommend purchasing some on the Asset Store)
External Documentation
Support Page 1
Support Page 2