First Person Character System is the ideal solution to implement into your projects for smooth and intuitive movement and functionality.Use the system to add easy yet effective first person based movement to your games.Try the demo : Download HereThe system is compatible with Unity's Mechanim system for easy animation.The system is designed to be drag and drop meaning you dont have to do any coding or alterations.Includes PDF documentation that covers all you need to start and build your first person game.Features :- Character Controller based first person movement and camera.- Crouching functionality that uses a ray-casting system to check when the player can stand or crouch and when he cant to ensure smooth transitions.- Jumping functionality that uses custom gravity.- Walking and running functionality with degenerating and regenerating stamina. Player can only run and jump if he has the stamina to do so.- Includes a health system for the player coupled with falling damage.- Includes an easy to replace animated character asset with idle, walk and run as well as falling and crouched idle and walk animations.- Uses Mechanim for easy animation.- Includes premade and easy to change interface system showing vitals and boosts.- Includes sprint and jump boosts and health pickups.- Includes damaging and healing colliders.- Assign your own keycodes to the functions available in the system.- Easy to use system- Includes documentation- Great performanceFor support email me at : studio website :Visit Here