Effortlessly create Stories and make amazing Player-NPCs Interactions.
Note : This Asset is Part of our Easy Survival Scripts package, so you don't need this if you have that already imported.
Very Easy solution to create Interactions between Player and rest of the world, it is something which increases Player Engagement immensely and something which we personally use in our almost all games.
To get started, Just Drag Dialogue Interaction Manager prefab in your scene.
Then assign Dialogue Interaction Script on a trigger collider and write your dialogues.
Yes, it is that simple!
Since the Animations used in the Asset are open source, so you have to download them separately from
Useful Links :
Tutorials Playlist
Forum Thread
PC Demo
Please feel free to Contact us in case of any queries, we always try to respond quickly regardless of any timezone.
Other Assets :
Easy Survival Scripts
Full Body FPS Controller
Easy Object Examine
Easy Lever Interaction
Easy Fuse Circuit Interaction
Easy Input Interaction
Easy Hazmat Suit
Easy Minimap
Easy Inventory
Easy Dialogues Interaction