SP SecurePrefs is a group of classes focused on securing PlayerPref data on the user's machine/mobile using encryption keys obtained from an online database that are unique to your app/game.
This script will Encrypt / Decrypt your PlayerPrefs. It is very simple to use as same as how you use PlayerPrefs.
*Encrypt User Data (PlayerPrefs) using encryption keys.
*Manage User Data in 1 script that is active across All Scenes. Functional code of knowing if this is the user’s first time or not for initialising Tutorials or Intro Scenes etc...
*All Keys are stored on an online database, these are issued per App/Game - please request your new GameID at http://stormpark.com/unityassets/spsecureprefsdb.html
*Full working example of all the above in a Scene with fully commented code.
*Fully Documented