It make your Tags with the Actions to use in a text.
I think that it is a general work to this function adding a link to the web site to a part of a text, similar to html. Nor is this all, you can connect your tag to anything your functions freely. It is also possible to register not tag but the character string itself and give actions automatically on all corresponding character strings in a text.
It can be used the normal work of UGUI-Text or TextMeshPro(UI), and all source code is revealed for you, so you can use either easily or improve.
>> introduction video
[Example of Use]
- Make the link to the website in a part of long text
- Card effect description in a card game, when another related card name is in the sentence, emphasize that name and to display small window with the image and commentary when click there.
- A controversial game, clicking on various words in the testimony of the defendant, a hero considers it and advancing to the next event if choose contradictory word.
- A conversational heterosexual characters game, playing the voice when click on a conversational sentence.
This kind of implementation and modification can be done easily. This asset is particularly useful if you want to create such behavior on UGUI-Text it has difficulties with only the unity standard function.
* TextMeshPro is supported on unity2018.3 or higher, it was inported as standard on unity as an official version.