The lite version of The Mint features 101 essential sounds covering all manner of monetary material, recorded with high-end mics.
Coins. Coin-filled sacks. Bank notes. Bank Cards. Wallet. Receipts.
Counter loops and one shot effectsCoin and note counters ticking up, perfect for currency or score increasing or decreasing.Check out an example in the trailer!
Burlap sack of coins
Great for loot drops, currency reward or item purchase sounds. Half-filled and full to the brim, light and heavy effects, on soft and hard surfaces.
A wide variety of performances...Spun, flung, dropped, slid, submerged, placed down, tossed, shaken, rustled, rattled, flipped. One coin, a few coins, many coins.
...on a number of surfacesWood, metal, ceramic, carpet, cardboard, plastic, bamboo, water, other coins, hands.
More than just coins!
Bank notes, bank cards, wallet and receipt sounds are included for versatility. Receipt sounds double as great paper, map and UI sound effects!
Resampled, pitched effectsRecorded with ultrasonic mics, these effects make coins sound HEAVY and HUGE. Great for fantasy coinage, pirate doubloons, giant Viking tokens, or plain ol' dramatic effect.
Professional quality
Recorded with ultra-low-noise, ultra-sensitive, high-end mics capable of capturing every metallic shimmer and clink.
Stereo and Mono WAV files provided (202 files total)!Arranged into folders by object, surface quality and performance.
PDF with searchable metadata included!
For an even greater variety of sounds, you might like the full version of The Mint, with 450 sounds (for a total of 900 files, stereo and mono)!An upgrade to the full version, from Lite, is also available.