A low poly asset pack of environment, weapon and item assets to create a fantasy based polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. Includes 4 demo scenes. 98 prefabs include- Cave- 4 Fence- Gate- 7 Grounds- Mountain- 2 Pilars- 2 Plants- 14 Platforms- 8 Rocks- 3 Rock Plates- 7 Stones- Stone Fence- 5 Temple Stones- Temple- 12 Terrains- 5 Trees- Vell- 3 Weeds - 3 Axe-
Barrel - Chest- Coins- Crate-Gold Coin-Gold Pile- Silver Coin-
Shield- Spear- Stick- 2 Sword-
Vase- Wood PlankLike our package? Please let us know what you want to see in future? And like us on Facebook.