Word processing from way back - the typewriter. If you're looking for old school office sounds, or an impassioned novelist hard at work in their den, then search no further. An early model Underwood typewriter was our sound source. We found the most skilled typists we know to come into the studio and type away while we stuck microphones in as many different positions as we could think of. We suppose it's just a typewriter, but we hear so many sonic possibliites, from actual typewriter foley, to geeky gadget noises, or even as a percussive instrument for musical compositions.
This library includes 293 WAV files. Visit brokenrobotaudio.com for 96kHz/24bit versions, and hand built a ready to use Native Instruments, Kontakt sampler instrument for "instant foley" style playing. Velocity layered bits and pieces and randomly triggered button presses will give you the realism you need for your next virtuoso typewriter performance.
We didn't get the memo about how much we should charge for this library, so from our offices to yours, enjoy this library for free.