FastPlay is a totally visual development tool, you can easily create your games without having to write a single line of code. Developed for artists, beginner programmers and even the most expert takes a look familiar to unity. Its search system facilitates a lot of development by bringing filters, tags, icons, hotkeys and more ... Surprise yourself with your level of productivity and enjoy!
[Getting Started]
[Unity Connect]
[Discord Channel]
Create your scene, add an object to a Graph, give a click or two here and there and then... AWSOME! Your game is ready to play!
✔️ .NET 3.5 & .NET 4.0 NOW IS SUPPORTED!!!
✔️ Advanced Fuzzy Finder.
✔️ Custom conversion of values.
✔️ Macros and Nesting graph are now available!
✔️ Editor with beautiful and simple visual (similar to Blueprints).
✔️ Rapid creation and editing of Graph's.
✔️ Support for ALL Types.
✔️ Intelligent GUI inspector for value editing.
✔️ Variable creation and editing.
✔️ Runtime editing and workflow visualization.
✔️ Easy creation of custom nodes.
✔️ Smart reflection.
✔️ Generator of custom nodes for better performance.
✔️ Fast, powerful and intelligent Serialization by Odin Serializer.
FastPlay has been fully tested on Windows and Android, but has not been on other platforms.