Easily manage multiple VR/AR/MR target platforms, hardwares and APIs in the same Unity project !
Switch between multiples modes at runtime, develop hybrid applications.
Customize settings by platform, runtime switch devices, cameras and
other components, and more.
This flexible plugin was thought to help you to, for instance :
- Create an hybrid 2D/Carboard mobile app, switching between modes at runtime
- Maintain your GearVr, Oculus Rift, Steam VR(…) versions in the same project !
- Launch your desktop game in standard screen mode, stereoscopic 3D, or VR given the detected hardware, and switch between at runtime
- Enable/Disable VR in-game from your option menu, fine-tuning each mode
This first release should be compatible with almost all the Unity native XR SDKs, some are untested tho (Vuforia, Daydream).
ARCore and ARKit are untested and not officially supported yet.
This plugin is the first release and part of the upcoming XR Toolset.
XR Switcher is actually in beta. More features will be added as it evolves.