This collection contains 15 pre-fabricated 3D assets, scatter assets, and surfaces sourced from high-quality Megascans content. This collection will help you create lifelike environments in games, real-time VFX, animation, architectural visualizations, and product design. These assets represent the cutting edge of 3D content and are used by today's leading VFX companies and AAA game studios.
This collection contains:
Plants (3D): Dieffenbachia, Colocasia Caladium, Areca Palm, Cordyline
Mossy Rocks (3D): Medium-sized, closed mesh (x3)
Wood: Mossy Tree Branch, Tree Branch
Debris: Mossy Bark Debris, Tree Twig Debris
Surfaces: Ground Forest 2x2 M, Soil Mulch 2x2 M, Wild Grass
Terms of Use:
This collection is intended for use by users falling under the category of “Hobby”, “Freelance”, and “Indie”, as detailed in the pricing section of Studios are required to contact Quixel separately for access to Megascans content.