Universal Inventory System allows you to easily implement inventory, crafting and/or equipment system with characters stats. Because of its modularity and flexibility, it can be implemented in any project with just couple of drag n drops. Works both in 2D and 3D projects and comes with a mobile support.
With UIS you can :
-Easily implement inventory system in any of your existing projects !
-Create sqlite database that will keep track of your items for later sessions (items are saved even when you turn off your game)
-Easily register items in inspector using provided form
-Add and customize panels . Do things like restricting items that can get store in specific panel and adjusting tooltip behaviours
-Have control over audio. Various sfx get played when specific events occur.
-Port for mobile (android) and other platforms
***UIS key features***
-item toolbar for usable items (quick consume option provided, e.g. for potions)
-flexible character stats and equipment system (ability to restrict items per body part, adjust effects for each item individually )
-crafting system (ability to craft items based on recipes stored in database)
-complete control over UI elements, events and animations using smart system designed for that purpose specifically