He's a powerful warrior who experts in fighting with bow and arrows in Japan style. He fights skillfully and can be major part of a fearless army in fantasy game, or TD games.
The character comes fully equipped and formatted for use with diffuse, normal, specular texture maps and 11 game-ready animations.
- Fully rigged, textured and animated.
- Total 11 animations: walk1,walk2, run, idle, hit, die, attack 1, attack 2, attack 3, attack 4
- Polygon count: character + armor + weapon: 1890 poly - 3949 tris
- Textures: 1024x1024 diffuse map, normal map, specular map
Animation key note:
attack_01: 0-30
attack_02: 31-86
attack_03: 87-127
attack_04: 128-189
die: 190-210
hit: 211-231
idle: 232-262
run: 263-283
walk_01: 284-320
walk_02: 321-361