Online Documentation
This asset contains various tools and utilities for Unity Editor which might be useful in everyday devs work. Package consist of pure Editor code without any extra assets such as textures and materials. Source code included.
• Build Info creates snapshots of Editor Log and some build settings whenever you make a build of your project
• Terrain Slicer splits your Unity terrain into smaller parts
• Extra Component shows extra gizmos in Scene View and allows you to inspect built-in component's fields and properties which is hidden in inspector
• Math Tester allows you to play with general Unity math API such as Mathf, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4 and Color
• Prefs Explorer lets you view and edit PlayerPrefs keys right inside Editor Window (Windows OS only)
• Split Viewer shows you custom rendering results right inside the Scene View. Will be useful for comparing and debugging built-in render buffers such as depth, normals or your own shaders
• Extra Object Filter allows you to filter game objects and prefabs by Layer, Tag, Static Flags, Hide Flags + Sorting Layer and Sorting Order for Renderer components
• Mesh Combiner combines selected meshes into one mesh and saves it in your project folder with a few clicks
• Missing References scans your entire project and opened scenes for missing references
• NavMeshAgent Sender allows you to set destination point for your NavMeshAgents inside the Scene View
• Renderer Wireframe turns wireframe on or off for selected objects in Scene VIew
• Scriptable Instancer creates ScriptableObject instance with a few clicks
• UV Inspector allows you to inspect the UVs of selected meshes
Compatible with Unity 5.4.1, 5.5, 5.6 and 2017