A collection of sixteen horror soundscapes that range from eerie ambient orchestral music to creepy sonic backgrounds that will add a level of tension and unease to your game.
Sixteen tracks included:
1. Action Horror: 1:28
2. Atonal Horror Soundscape 2:12
3. Chased by a Monster 1:31
4. Creepy Strings Interlude 1:03
5. Dark Scifi Realm 1:41
6. Dissonant Orchestral Horror Soundscape 2:13
7. Eerie Bell Soundscape 2:25
8. Eerie Rumbling Orchestral Horror 2:28
9. Electronc Horror 0:54
10. Haunted Cradle 0:49
11. Heavy Horror 2:44
12. Lurking Unknown 2:08
13. Ominous Orchestral Heartbeat 2:43
14. Rising Ambient Horror Strings 1:36
15. Subtle Dark Mood 2:17
16. Tense String Soundscape 2:08