A collection of 101 individual meshes and prefab files that use a single texture atlas and material that defines their colours and styles.
6 Tree Types (with 9 different colour variations)
- Short Pine Tree
- Tall Pine Tree
- Acacia Tree
- Oak Tree Type 1
- Oak Tree Type 2
- Palm Tree
2 Grass Types (with 9 different colour variations)
3 Bush Types (with 9 different colour variations)
- 4 types of Logs (clean and mossy)
- 2 types of Tree Trunks
- 2 types of Clean Rock
- 2 types of Dirt Rock
All models and prefabs have a center bottom pivot point, so you can easily import the asset anywhere, rotate and scale.
The single texture atlus is a 64x64 image file that contains colour data for all prefabs.