Package contains noises of various foliage, vegetation like trees, bushes shaking, branches leafs brushing etc.
All 208 oneshot sounds are in PCM WAVE 16 bit 48kHz stereo format, edited and volume balanced. 73MB of audio data in total.
There are 11 folders as following (in brackets are numbers of files):
branch brushing 1 (38) - sounds of movement through tree branches with leafs
branch brushing 2 (42) - as above, different plant
branch brushing 2 longer (13) - longer sound of leafs brushing
branch brushing 3 big leafs (26) - plant with bigger leafs
branch shaking (14) - shaking branch of a tree
bush beating (37) - beating bushes with a stick
bush shaking additional noises (8) - as described
bush shaking singles (9) - single shake of bush
other foliage noises (4) - as described
tree shaking 1 (13) - shaking small tree
tree shaking 2 (4) - shaking bigger tree