NatMic is a low-latency native microphone API for Unity Engine. NatMic provides a minimal API for streaming audio data directly from the microphone to Unity. Features include:
- Low Latency. NatMic immediately sends sample buffers to Unity as they become available from the microphone on a dedicated microphone thread.
- Specify Audio Format. With NatMic, you can explicitly request the microphone format, including the sample rate and channel count.
- Cross Platform. NatMic support iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows.
- NatCorder Support. NatMic is built specifically with our video recording API in mind. As a result, NatMic seamlessly integrates with NatCorder.
Check out the forum here.
Check out the NatCorder-NatMic Integration Demo.
Check out the written tutorials:
1. Unity Microphone That Works.
Minimum Requirements
- Unity 2018.3+
- Android API Level 18+
- iOS 10+
- macOS 10.10+
- Windows 10, 64-bit
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