Welcome to Viuletti low poly chest pack.
Low poly treasure chest pack is designed to be simple, low poly and mobile friendly.
There are six objects in this set:
1) Pirate chest, triangles 700
2) Pirate chest top, triangles 376
3) Pirate chest big, triangles 564
4) Pirate chest top big, triangles 152
5) Small container, triangles 68
6) Small container lid, triangles 124
Two objects form on bigger object if needed but chest lids are separate obejcts. All chests are empty.
All objects have materials for different parts so it is possible to change colors of one part or whole object if wanted.
Prefabs in package does not have animation or scripts attached.
Sample scene
Package also includes sample scene with one texture and normal map which are used for terrain.
Note that assets in this package DO NOT require any other package.