The essential asset for LightWave users. Import LightWave models directly into UnityForum Threads: Unity | LightwaveThe essential asset for LightWave users. Import models directly into UnitySupports: Subdivision Surfaces • Ngons • Smoothing Angles + much more!For the complete LightWave → Unity solution take a look at LightWave ImporterLWO Importer makes it quick and easy to import LightWave mesh files directly into Unity without having to first convert them to another format (eg .fbx) each time.This gives you some serious advantages:• Share the exact same .LWO files you use in LightWave with your Unity project• Immediately see any changes you make to your LightWave model in Unity.• Simply save the mesh in LightWave, switch to Unity and the mesh will be reimported automatically with the new changes.• Layer names, hierarchy and pivot-points are retained. The model will be organised in Unity exactly as it is in LightWave.• Duplication of files means more to manage and more that can go wrong. Simpler is better!• .LWO files are light-weight binary files, so your Unity project takes less space and becomes more portable.Usage couldn't be easier:Import the package into your Unity project. Thats it! Unity should now be able to import any .lwo files contained in your Unity project.A copy of LightWave is not required for this asset to work! Which makes LWO Importer really useful for both artists and programmers!• Supports .LWO files created in LightWave from version 6.0 up to LightWave 2019 (LWO2 and LWO3 files).• Imports Triangles, Quads and even Ngons with multiple holes! So there's no need to triple your polygons in LightWave.• Subpatch surface support in the form of Catmull-Clarke surfaces, including various subpatch interpolation texture mapping methods... and it all works with BlendShapes!• Converts Standard and Principled BSDF LightWave Materials to approximately equivalent Unity materials - using either Standard or HDR Pipelines. Support for basic node-based materials that use the following node types: Image, Scalar, Color Layer, NormalMap.• Provides an interface to easily remap imported materials to your own materials in your Unity project, including automated remapping based on material name.• Layer hierarchy is imported and retained, along with the layer names and pivot positions. Each layer becomes a GameObject.• Hidden layers are imported with the MeshRenderer component disabled. If you want the hidden layer to be visible in Unity simply enable the MeshRenderer component.• Morph Targets are supported and imported as BlendShapes, with a default weighting of 1.0.• Vertex Colors are imported and saved to the mesh. As the Standard Shader doesn't support vertex colors, an example shader is also supplied to show you how to display them.• Smoothing Groups created in LightWave 2019 are fully supported.• Subpatch Weight maps are applied to all Subpatch and Catmull-Clarke surfaces.• Option to generate secondary UV maps for use with baked lighting.• Vertex Weight Maps are imported. You will need LWS Importer in order to see any boned animation.• Point Storm Integration. If Point Storm is present, then point cache data can be applied directly to the imported LWO model.NEW Ribbon generation from Two Point Polys and CurvesNEW Ability to toggle importing of specific layers in a model