Children's room, recreated from photographs of antique Victorian furniture .
33 items;
Game ready with PBR Textures;
Texture Set: Albedo map, Normal map, Metallic , Ambient Occlusion , Roughness ;
Texture resolution: 2048 , 1024;
Optimized for games;
bear 774 ;
bed 5829 ;
bird 668 ;
books 60 ;
carpet 13 ;
casket 181 ;
chair 1832 ;
chest_of_drawers 1139 ;
doll 3013 ;
frame_1 26 ;
frame_2 328 ;
horse 2118 ;
key 316 ;
mirror 455 ;
shelf 255 ;
stepladder 338 ;
table_tea 1332 ;
tea_set 2194 ;
waehbasin 3065 ;
washbasin_2 2591 ;