Skeleton Asset Package contains 6 skeleton models.
Skeleton Archer:526 triangles, 5 animations(idle, run,attack,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Skeleton Warrior 1:500 triangles, 6 animations(idle,run,attack,skill,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Skeleton Warrior 2:594 triangles, 6 animations(idle,run,attack,skill,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Skeleton Wizard 1:1034 triangles, 5 animations(idle,run,attack,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Skeleton Wizard 1(Death):564 triangles, 5 animations(idle,run,attack,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Skeleton Wizard 3:500 triangles, 6 animations(idle,run,attack,skill,damage,die),Albedo and Normal textures.
Each one has a demo scene as showcase.
Watching the video for more detail.