Single plugin that provides an Easy way to create and edit rich text in your code, using common values (color, color32, bool and float) instead of html tags. The plugin is a compiled dll. so the source code is not avaible.
-Quickly create and edit rich text without typing any html tag.
-All RichText object features are compatible with GUI system, EditorGUI and Console.
-Implicit conversion to string, so you can treat RichText object like as string.
i,e: Print(myRichTextObject);
-Gradient mode: blend 2 colors across the whole text-
-Provides a way to create Animated RichText. (Guide and Example included in the package).
-Static tools included for general porpuses:
-convert color to hex color and vice versa
-Hex color validation.
-"Paint" method to create "Baked richText" into string vars.
-"PaintGradient" method to create "Baked RichText Gardients into string vars.