Cooking Game provides you with over 650+ yummy sound files, baking actions, ambience loops like carnival and restaurant, alerts, ingredients, emotes like chef and customer, and more.Now On Sale! Retail $49 - Cooking GameTurn up the heat in the kitchen and enjoy a delicious culinary adventure your audience will relish and love. Chop the veggies, pour the spices, Cooking Game is here with a stunning collection of game sound effects that features a curated palette of vibrant audio cuisine, bubbly mobile game sound and cute heartwarming SFX. Order up! The sounds in here are the best in town – Cooking Game – Sound Effects Library!Cooking Game provides you with over 650+ yummy sound files, baking actions, ambience loops like carnival and restaurant, alerts, ingredients, emotes like chef and customer, user interface fx, pickups, power-ups, & more. All sounds have been designed and themed for your next baking game. We wanted to create a cooking sound effects pack that truly gives you everything you need to build interactive background sound, immersive gameplay, and exciting dynamics.You May Also Be Interested In:Sound Design Starter KitBuilder GameGame Makers Sound Effects KitRetro GameProducts Details:662 game sound effect files423.9 MBOver 27 minutes of game audioIncludes 44.1k 16Bit .wavsGame Sound Effects LibraryPerfect for cooking simulation, multiplayer games, and UI21 alerts, alarms, penalty, trashed, ruined, ascend and defend17 ambience loops – frying, boiling, beach, carnival, city, forest, restaurant, sewer, farm, lava21 cooking abilities like crack open, earth smash, flip, punch, water infuse, ignite255 cooking actions broken up into 7 subfolders chop, cooking, liquid, mouth sfx, on off, open close, organic actions like water bubbles, slice bread, spice shake, veggies16 cooking items – break ceramic, wood, paper roll, foil17 power-ups – dish grow, earth flavor, seasoning boost, speed, transform, water, wind,181 organic kitchen sounds like baking dishes, flatware, general utensils, plates, bowls, pots & pans33 cute emotes – chef, chatter, customer, disgusted customer, distressed, frustrated31 Ingredient actions – flip, lock, mix, place, sprinkle, squeeze, squish, take, swipe, toss, upgrade and downgrade40 ingredient pickups like goop, pop, slippery, water, zip33 chime, dish level down and up, menu clicks, meter fills and drains, objective completeAll of the designed and organic recordings are delivered in 44.1k 16Bit .wav file format, giving you the best quality for heavy sound editing, pitch shifting, and fx processing while keeping a top notch level of clarity and precision.Cooking simulation games are one of the most sought-after video game types in the gaming industry. Kids from around the world enjoy running a simulated restaurant and cook day and night. They prepare foods, make soups, slice bread, boil water and make sure their customers are happy and fed on time. You can do all of that with Cooking Game!