Bring your content to a global market!
In a few clicks, carry your project over from your own language to up to 140+!
Most of this plugin is editor code, which makes it very easy to use for you, and very light for builds.
Is this the right plugin for my project?
Whether you're starting a new project or want to implement translations to an existing one, the process is just as easy.
If you have a lot of content to translate to a lot of different languages and want to be able to just review everything once, this is the plugin for you.
If you have a few sprites to localize, this is the plugin for you; however, if you're planning to have entire scenes visually change from one language to the other, you might need to write your own code — this plugin focuses mainly on text —, so maybe consider alternatives :)
Key features
- Add support for as many languages as you like, all from one asset; the application will pick the best from the user device's locale;
- In just three clicks, add a simple language setting menu - fully customisable;
- Translate your UI Text and TextMesh components, localize your UI Images and SpriteRenderers;
- Automatically translate to the most used languages using Google Translate's APIs (note that this only includes languages supported by Google Translate for now);
- Specify different fonts for languages with characters out of range of your default font;
- Preview how the characters in different languages will look like in your game's fonts;
- No need to worry about creating keys or IDs for each translated element in your game, just edit the translation data directly on each of your GameObjects;
- No language manager component that will use up matrix computations for an unecessary transform: languages are managed from a static, persistent class;
- No build-up of unecessary data clogging up RAM: what you get in your build is just the fundamental translation data in each scene, as most of the plugin is editor-based;
- Easy integration with existing projects: this plugin will automatically use the default text and sprite contents from your existing layout.
The plugin contains extensive documentation on how to use it, however feel free to only read the first two lines and get started immediately!
Immediately compatible with Unity 2018.2 onwards. Compatible with Unity 2017 to 2018.1 with a tiny fix, described in documentation.
If you have questions, suggestions, notice a bug, want to request a feature or a language to be added, simply drop me an email at
This plugin was hand-crafted carefully by Jonathan Kings :)