Nice Water Shader can be used in any type of art for your game, with desktop and mobile version. Including URP versions!!To use URP shaders, extract them in the package under "RenderPipelines". For more info, read the documentationHere is a Water Shader for you!NEW PROCEDURAL FOAM ON StandardRP and URP!!URP SUPPORT!!With 3 versions:-Desktop-Mobile-Desktop with Tesselation-NEW Low poly style (Urp Only)With lightning support!!With a CUSTOM SHADER INSPECTORCapability to personalize things like:Tesselation3 Different colors to make a gradient of depthsColor position predominancesFresnel Color and ExponentSpecularNormals enable/disableNormals IntensityEnable LightsReflexed Lights IntensityOpacityOpacity DepthNEW Procedural foamNEW Procedural foam distance, opacity, tiling and speedMain FoamMain Foam distance,opacity, scale and speedMain Foam toggle to switch between a Cartoonish style or a more Realistic styleSecondary FoamSecondary Foam Intensity, distance, scale, and speedVertex Offset WavesWaves AmplitudeWaves SpeedWaves IntensityREALTIME REFLECTIONSReflections intensityRefraction IntensityTurbulence ScaleTurbulenceDistortionWave distortion intensityMaps for Distortion, Foam and WavesWith an updated Documentation PDF too!Notes about Custom Render Pipelines: currently, URP version only support Directional Lights.By other side: new Render Pipelines coming later!!Enjoy!