Game Logic: Love Balls / Hello Stars (Line Drawer + Physics Creator)
Legit Games
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Save time by using this template as a starting point for a Love Balls or Hello Stars clone game!
Core Components:
* Line Creator - handles logic for drawing smooth/jagged lines, with customizable width and color gradients
* Line Collider 2D - handles logic for creating physics boxes overlapping the player-drawn line
* Pixel Line Renderer - handles logic for rendering pixelized (aliased) lines instead of smooth lines, in case you'd prefer to have a retro art style
* Line Utils - handles logic for simplifying lines using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to improve performance and keep the game ultra fast
* Pixel Camera - handles logic for ensuring pixel-perfect sprites based on your game's PPU (pixels per unit), desired resolution, and sprite scale
Gameplay Components:
* Gravity Enabler - handles logic for switching the balls from a static to a dynamic rigid body state (allowing them to fall from the sky) after the first player-drawn line is added
* Particles Enabler - handles logic for enabling the "fluttering hearts" particle system that occurs when the two balls touch each other, indicating a successful attempt
* Reload Scene - handles logic for reloading the current level on demand if the player is unsuccessful at completing the level
* Level switcher
* Level completion rankings (N out of 3 stars)
* Game saving/loading (level progression/unlocks)
* Achievements
* Social sharing
* Sound
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