Image recognition and Texture2D processing library created to enhance cross-platform image processing experience. The package should be compatible with any Unity version containing Texture2D class.
The library contains following capabilities:
-Feature detection (detecting blobs and recognizing simple geometrical objects).
-Edge detection techniques like Canny, Sobel, Kirsch and Prewitt.
-Advanced Gaussian filters (recursive Gaussian filter and Gaussian filter with threading).
Apart from that, it also contains a range of texture processing algorithms like:
-grayscale conversion,
-sepia, negative filters,
-binarization algorithms (including Bradlay local tresholding and Otsu's method)
-contrast correction, sharpen, sigma blur
-color swapping and updating alpha values
-manual channel modifiers
Furthermore, it contains methods to enhance creation and usage of self-made kernels (Convolutions filters).