This pack contains a set of two fully animated characters(turtles) two-legged and four-legged versions. Both characters are set as prefabs and ready to use. Animation include clasic sprite animation divided into sprite sheets and advanced Spine animation including Spine project.
Pack Contains:
- 2 Animated Characters(Spine animation + Classic sprite animation)
- Spine animation + Spine project
- Classic Sprite animation separated on different sprite sheets
- Demo Scene
List of animations for four-legged turtle:
- Climb
- Dash(2 variations)
- Death(2 variations)
- Hiding
- Hidden
- Get Out
- Hit
- Idle
- Jump(+ Separated Jump Up and Jump Down)
- Run
- Swim
- Walk
List of animations for two-legged turtle:
- Attack(2 variations)
- Death
- Hit
- Jump(2 variations + separated Jump Up and Jump Down)
- Idle
- Run
- Swim(2 variations)
- Walk
Make sure to check our other products:
- [2D Asset Pack - 3 Worlds
- [2D Asset Pack - Winter + Character]
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