Ballistic Kit is a fully functional system for simulating the flight physics of projectiles and interaction during collisions with other objects. When designing and creating this system, I modeled on the mechanics of other existing games such as "World of Tanks" and "Sniper Ghost Warrior". The system has the vast majority of features that can be found in these games, which make up the trajectory of the projectile and its behavior during a collision. If you know how a projectiles behaves in both of these games then the Ballistic Kit is a combination of these mechanics. Additionally interfaces, property drawers and inheritance, you can create new types of projectiles in a very simple way and modify existing behaviors. Create a bullet with AK-47, shotgun, explosive tank shell and even guided missile without any problem.
Ballistic Kit features:
• Penetration of the object,
• Ricochet from the object,
• Blocked on the object,
• Acting gravity from "Phisics.gravity",
• Air resistance/ Drag force,
• Acting wind from "Wind Zone",
• An extensive bullet hole decals system depending on caliber of weapon and material of object,
• The projectile's caliber determines which weapon can be used in,
• Many types of ammo in one weapon and the ability to change them,
• Many types of weapons in player and the ability to change them,
• Four fire modes in weapon: Single, Burst, Semi-auto, Full-auto,
• Configuration file as a Scriptable Object holding global data with a caliber of weapons, decals etc,
• Editor Window to handle and management the configuration file,
• Interfaces to simplify integration of Ballistic Kit into an already existing project,
• Technical settings such as trajectory resolution, RaycastHit sorting, Visual Debug Mode etc,
• Normalization, i.e. effect that causes the angle of projectile decrease on impact,
• Custom inspector and property drawers for greater readability and easier handling,
• Several examples of bullets, weapons showing the possibilities,