Whole "Real Materials" series in one package (200 materials).200 high quality materials with aim for realism and a bit of art.Textures available in 3 resolutions: 1K, 2K and 4K (see "Technical details" section).HDRP materials now using custom shader, featuring some extra options (reduced texture tiling, UVs rotation, 3 texture layers).Permanent free access to "Real Materials Vol.1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10" texture packsPermanent free access to lightweight [HDRP]/[URP]/[Built-in] packs.50% discount on "Home Lights" & "Crates and pallets" packs.Free showcase material pack (try before buy!)Lightweight documentationThere are 3 options to choose resolution of the textures:For 2K textures just download & import this "Real Materials Complete" mega pack.For 1K textures use "Real Materials Lite" URP|HDRP|Built-in package (those "Lite" pakages are free for owners of "Real Materials Complete").For 4K textures download "Real Materials Vol.1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10" texture packs (they're also free for owners of "Real Materials Complete").