Requires Unity 5 ( 5.3.4 and higher)
City modular pack 1
City Environment set
- 153 prefabs, 136 meshes, 438MB data
- 134 textures (2k, 1k, 512 sizes / Standard Shader, Standard(Specular setup) Shader / Diffuse, Metalic, Specular, Normal, Emission). TGA files have a specular map in Alpha channel.
-Buildings, Air conditioner, Vent, Pipes, Road, Floor, Border Blocks, Street Lights, Advertising signs, Board, Signs, Traffic signs, Sewers, Trees, Containers, Fences, Electronic wires, Barriers.....
- 1 big city Environment set and 12 building samples. It could be extended to various buildings and environments by using the assets.
If you have any questions, you can email me. youngjinjo@gmail.com