This package contains LOD geometry (slots) for o3n Female Hooded Robe, which is required and not part of this package. Also both o3n Male and Female UMA Races and UMA is required for this package to work.
The LOD slots for the base body slots are not included in this package. You can get the LOD package for o3n Male and Female UMA Races here.
Version Details (1.0)
- Initial release.
How do I get set up?
- Please remember to add the o3n folder to UMA Global Library by selecting UMA Global Library Window and dragging the o3n folder to the drop area in the window.
- You can check the example scenes under o3n/o3nBaseUMARaces/Scenes/ for sample usage.
- Check the LODTestScene to find out how to enable LOD slots with UMA. (You need to put o3n UMA Simple LOD script and optionally o3n LOD Display script on the avatar.)