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Your project build size needs to stay under control ?
You want your assets to remain optimized to ensure your game meets the performance expected ?
.Peek is for you !
.Peek is a tool that automatically creates a report of what goes in your build, and what does not.
It is a must have for any development team that wants to react on time when undesirable assets are integrated to the project.
Features that makes the difference on the Asset Store :
🔥 Installing it and starting using it is incredibly easy. Import the package, build your project (through Unity build menu or through your custom build pipeline). Congratualation ! You generated your first build report !
🔥 .Peek focuses on information that matters, nothing less, nothing more.
🔥 Use of optimized dlls and threads to allow quickly browsing through build reports.
🔥 Full programming control of the tool allowing its integration in any build flow (custom build scripts, continuous integration systems, ...).
🔥 Super optimized UI that allows scrolling long list of assets at light speed even in AAA projects with thousands of assets (say hi to .Guacamole. our open-source UI framework).
Other features :
🔥 Automatically generates and archives a build report each time a build is performed.
🔥 Provides a nice interface to quickly jump between build reports and compare the content of each build.
🔥 Provides a list of used and unused assets for each build.
🔥 Assets can be filtered by type or by name. They can also be reordered by name or size.
🔥 Gives the possibility to share build reports on a VCS repository, on a shared network resource, or in a personal location for each team member.
🔥 Possibility to run build generation silently or to totally shut it off.
🔥 Build report are saved in the open JSON format and can be displayed or processed in any other third-party tool.
Our roadmap is available here, and you are very welcome to create or vote proposal tickets on our issue tracker if you are looking for new features.
Compatibilities :
• Unity 2017 and 2018 (free and paid)
• Desktop platforms.
• Android and IOS.
• More platforms to come if the community asks for it.
Check the doc for more info !
Note that .Peek is distributed in optimized dlls to ensure high speed execution. We are committed to release .Peek source code if one day the tool is not supported anymore.