Drag Camera is a Camera controller with support for scrolling for Unity (both Pro and Free) written in C#.
This supports scrolling camera via drag gesture and zoom in/out via pinch-in/out gesture.
Although designed specifically with 2D or 2.5D view games like city-building games and RTS in mind, it is a camera script for any other overhead view game like RPG, Board games and Puzzle games.
It supports all platforms by controlling touch-screen and mouse.
Web Demo
Features :
1. Scrolling by controlling touche and mouse
2. Supports Native Style Momentum scrolling
3. Fully optimized for mobile devices
4. Supports all platforms
5. One Class, Coding clearly uses C#, flexible and modular
6. Includes step-by-step directions that explain how to set it up and what each setting does, as well as example scenes.