Animate gameObjects visually (move, shake, fade, rotate, change camera properties, and a lot more), draw paths in the editor and follow them, plus power-up DOTween's core with extra featuresREQUIRES UNITY 2019.4/2020/2021/2022/2023 or newer (run its setup utility after installing to activate shortcuts and features based on your current Unity version).IMPORTANT: if upgrading from a version older than 1.2.420, follow these instructions carefully.DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween (which is included in this package), implementing new features both for scripting and visual scripting, including extra features for these external assets (if present):TextMesh Pro (both paid and free version)Easy Performant Outline (this is also included in the free version)2D ToolkitVISUAL ANIMATION EDITORA Component that allows to animate some of its gameObject's properties without scripting: Move, Fade, Color, Rotate, Scale, Punch, Shake, Text, Camera properties and more.Works also with 2D Toolkit and TextMesh Pro objects.Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events, and can preview animations without entering Play Mode.VISUAL PATH EDITORA Component that allows you to animate its gameObject along a path.NOTE: the visual path editor currently supports Linear (straight) or curved CatmullRom paths and Transform coordinates (UI paths not supported).Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events.VISUAL EDITOR MANAGERAn extra Component that can be added from a Path or Animation Editor. It allows to set additional actions to execute when its gameObject is activated or deactivated (especially useful when using a pooling system).ADDITIONAL DOTWEEN SCRIPTING FEATURESAdditional shortcuts for TextMesh Pro, Easy Performant Outline and 2D Toolkit if present.DOSpiral shortcut.A low-level system to animate TextMesh Pro text per-character (skew, scale, rotate, shift).LINKSDOTween websiteDOTween ProOnline documentationSupportUnity Forums ThreadPublisher's website
UNITY 4.6 / 5/2017/2018/2019以降が必要です(Unityバージョンに基づいて機能が自動的にアクティブになります)。
DOTween Proは無料のエンジンDOTweenを拡張し、これらの外部アセット(存在する場合)の追加機能を含む、スクリプトとビジュアルスクリプトの両方の新機能を実装します。
-2D Toolkit
-TextMesh Pro(有料版と無料版の両方)
2D ToolkitおよびTextMesh Proオブジェクトでも動作します。
Unity UI onClickイベントを介してアニメーションを簡単に操作できるスマートセットアップを実装し、再生モードに入らずにアニメーションをプレビューできます。
Unity UI onClickイベントを介してアニメーションを簡単に操作できるスマートセットアップを実装します。
パスエディタまたはアニメーションエディタから追加できる追加のコンポーネント。 gameObjectがアクティブまたは非アクティブになったときに実行する追加のアクションを設定できます(特に、プールシステムを使用する場合に役立ちます)。
-2D ToolkitおよびTextMesh Proのショートカット(存在する場合)。
DOTween website
DOTween Pro
Online documentation
Unity Forums Thread
Publisher's website
※ アセット説明の日本語翻訳は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。