UNInput is an input manager that provides an unified interface for physical gamepads and virtual gamepads through wifi network.
Thinking of players that don’t have controls, UNInput enables the use of smartphones as gamepads through the use of UNControl, an app published on play store. The controller interface of the app can be customizable by the developer. Or, if the developer wants, they can create their own mobile app or virtual controller. Perfect for multiplayer games, it supports up to eight Xbox and Playstation 4 gamepads and several virtual gamepads.
- 8 Hardware Controls Supported (Xbox 360, Xbox One and Playstation 4).
- Android Devices Support (UNControl App on the Play Store)
- A huge amount of Network Controls
- Manual
- Nice UNInput's Preferences Window
- Sends Interface over Network
- Easy to use!
Link for the app: bit.ly/UNControl