Need to create simple sidewalk? This set for you!
This set based on 'Grid snap' method and include next items:
-Three floor materials(brick/square/zigzag) with tileable 2048x2048 textures(Albedo/Specular/Normal/AO).
-Eight borders with 4096x4096 texture maps(Albedo/Specular/Normal/AO),
compact in one material.
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Floor - 12 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Corner - 66 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Large - 156 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_1 - 50 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_2 - 66 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_3 - 108 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_4 - 54 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_5 - 88 triangles.
Floor_Edge_Small_6 - 24 triangles.
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If you bought the asset,check 'instructions' file in 'Sidewalk' folder for some tips and grid alignment settings.
---------Check other assets in this series!---------
Passenger station constructor