Stylized tree set to support your game environments and bring them alive!
-6 Complete trees, 3 fallen trunks and 2 stumps.
-25 Textures, of which 11 are normal maps, rest being diffuse maps.
All textures are 2048x2048
-6 Complete tree trunk materials
-3 Leaf cluster materials
-3 Fallen trunk materials.
-2 Tree stump materials.
All LOD levels of an object use same material.
-6 Complete tree trunk meshes.
-6 Leaf cluster meshes.
-3 Fallen trunk meshes.
-2 Tree stump meshes.
Not counting LOD levels.
LOD levels and triangle counts:
Complete tree trunks : 3 LOD levels, 2500/1300/600 tricount ~
Leaf clusters : No LOD levels, 500 tricount ~
Fallen tree trunks : 2 LOD levels, 850/350 tricount ~
Tree stumps : No LOD levels, 600 tricount ~