This package contains graphic sources for cute mini SD characters. All pivot is set. Prefab ready. Import package and you can animate them right away. Great for whoever is looking for a good start in animating puppet animation.
Designed in Thai Theme by our talented intern.
==1 Prefab for each character==
Prefab contains about 8 objects: Head, face, hair, body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg.
All layered by Z position.
7 classic classes: Angel, Archer, Oarsman, Boxer, Exorcist, Maiden, Swordman and their weapons
5 different face styles
5 different hair styles
PLUS original PSD file. Allow you to adapt, re-design, create more character.
=== Related Package ===
2D SD Character Pack V.1 - Medieval 1
2D SD Character Pack V.2 - Medieval 2
2D SD Character Pack V.4 - Fantasy Anime
2D SD Character Pack V.5
- Lady Edition
Please don’t forget to rate and comment on our work. Let us know if something is bad or need to be fixed.
mimustudio@gmail.com (Ploi)